List of things you shouldn't forget when leaving on a city trip

Although it depends on exactly how long you are going, which kind of transport you are using to get there and what the weather will be like at your destination, there are some items that can always come in handy. Because I always make a written list that I can check off, I thought it would be useful to digitize it. As soon as I find the time, I will also make a template that you can print so that you can add options yourself. But for now you can check off here what you think you will need for your next city trip:


Packing list for city trips


Below you will find some additional explanation for each item, so that you can start your city trip fully prepared:


Suitcase, backpack or weekend bag (+ bag to carry around)
Think carefully about what is most practical. If you have to walk around with your luggage for a whole day after checkout (and you cannot/do not want to store it in the hotel or in a locker in the station, for example), then a backpack or weekend bag can sometimes be more convenient than a trolley. Especially if you know that you will have to climb a lot of stairs.

And if you go by plane, be sure to pay attention to the restrictions of your airline! Even a backpack can sometimes be too large for hand luggage (especially with Ryanair, check carefully in advance).

Also remember to bring a smaller bag to use when walking around in the city. I usually opt for a tote bag, because it hardly takes up any space and it is also more difficult to steal anything out of it. However, not all tote bags are waterproof, so be sure to keep that in mind.
Wallet and passport or ID card (+ copy)

When I travel, I either take a smaller wallet with me, or I take out all my loyalty cards until only the essentials are left (such as passport, bank card/credit card, some cash, blood group card, European health insurance card and possibly a few emergency numbers). I also keep a copy of my ID card or passport in a different place than my wallet, in case it gets stolen. You can also do this with cash.

Tickets and other important documents

Although you can now access many tickets and other important documents digitally (which is of course better for the environment), I cannot resist to print my (most important) tickets as well. Just in case my smartphone suddenly breaks down or gets stolen.

A tip I can give is to email the most important documents (for example airline tickets, copy of ID card or passport, etc.) to yourself or store them somewhere in the cloud. If something should happen to your smartphone, you can check your mailbox at the hotel, a library or somewhere else and reprint the papers from there.

Another tip is to check the dates on your documents in advance. Especially if you have activities planned, but also just your transportation and accommodation. For example, I once bought a train ticket with the wrong date on it and unfortunately only realized it when I was already standing in the train station. So double checking never hurts :-)

Essential clothing & toiletry

The exact type of clothing depends of course on your destination and the weather forecast. Be sure to bring a raincoat and/or umbrella, if there is even a chance of rain. Or a cap / hat (also against the heat or cold). And adjust your footwear accordingly. Good walking shoes are certainly not an unnecessary luxury, depending on how much you want to see and how you want to move around the city.

A (smart) watch can always come in handy. (Don't forget to charge this, if needed.)

Your toiletry bag mainly depends on your transportation: if you are going by plane and you only have hand luggage, there are restrictions on the number of liquids you can take with you. First of all, all your liquids and gels must be in a container of no more than 100 milliliters. But you are also only allowed to take a maximum of 1 liter of packaged liquids and gels with you. And they must all be put together in a transparent bag. It is also best to place this at the top of your luggage, as you have to place the bag separately on the luggage belt.

Do you have glasses or lenses? Don't forget a glasses cloth and/or lens solution. Hopefully spare glasses or lenses are not necessary. (But if you see really badly without it, I would take it with you.)

First aid kit / most important medication
Of course, which medication you need to bring with you differs per person. But when traveling, anti-diarrheal medications (and O.R.S. to restore fluid balance), blister plasters and a general painkiller could always be useful to bring with you. And don't forget your contraceptive pill, if applicable.

Do you have a fear of flying or are you prone to travel sickness? Be sure to remember to take medication for this.

And don't forget sunscreen and after sun, especially if high temperatures are forecast. And mosquito repellent/spray can certainly come in handy in some locations/during some seasons.
Chargers and power bank
Although this is not a must, I know from experience that you will soon need it. Especially if you take a lot of photos and videos with your smartphone and/or use apps such as Google Maps a lot.

Also check in advance which type of socket is used at your destination. Sometimes it happens that you need a power plug adapter.
Washcloth(s) and towel(s)

Did you book an accomdation where there is no towel available, or would you just like to bring an extra one just to be on the safe side? Since this takes up quite a bit of space in your luggage, it is important to check this in advance. Fortunately, there are also small travel towels.

Would you also like to visit the beach during your city trip? Then a beach towel could come in handy.

Paper tissues & wet wipes

Something I always take with me when traveling: paper tissues! Not only for blowing your nose, but also useful if you have spilled something, or if you suddenly find yourself in a toilet without toilet paper.

In that same category, wet wipes and/or disinfectant can also come in handy. If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot immediately wash your hands or if you just want to be extra careful with microbes.


Do you take a digital camera, an old-school film camera or just your mobile phone with you? Whatever you choose, it's always nice to capture some memories from your trip.

If you, like me, like to take analog photos, don't forget to take a spare roll of film with you and to check the battery of the camera. If you have a digital camera, don't forget to charge it and/or take spare batteries with you.

Travel guide and/or map

Are you going to a city you have never visited before? Then it can always be nice to take a travel guide and/or (Google Maps) map with you.

Are you going on a city trip by car? Then a GPS or road map can certainly come in handy. Although nowadays you can do all this perfectly with your smartphone.


Earplugs and/or headphones can come in handy in various ways. Whether it is to listen to music, to reduce ambient noise or to help with the pressure on your ears during your flight.

(Refillable) drinking bottle and gum

If you travel by plane, you are of course not allowed to take a filled drinking bottle with you until you have passed security. But you can take a refillable bottle with you or buy a water bottle after you have passed security. Also chewing gum or candy or something else to snack can come in handy on the plane and/or when walking through the city.

Travel games and/or reading material

Are you traveling with two or even a whole group? A deck of cards or small travel games such as Phase 10, Qwixx, Uno ... can always come in handy and do not take up too much space. Especially useful if your flight is delayed or simply if there are long queues somewhere.

Are you traveling alone and/or not a fan of travel games? Then a good book or magazine can come in handy.

Travel pillow

Do you quickly suffer from neck pain? Then definitely remember to take a neck pillow with you. I can be used on the plane, on the train or in the car. (Of course a little less useful if you drive yourself.)