Tips to prepare you for your next city trip

1. Where do you want to go?

Not sure which city you want to go to yet? Then first think about what you like most: culture, beach, nature, good food, a language you can understand, ... These can all be criteria for your ideal city trip. Are you still looking for inspiration? Check out the list of cities I have already visited on this page.

2. Which transport?

Are you travelling by car, bus, train, boat or plane? You have several transport options for every city trip, but which one is the best for you? This depends on what's important to you (for example most economical or most environmentally friendly) and the maximum time you want to travel. Take a look at this page to find & book cheap flights.

3. Book your stay

How do you choose where to stay exactly? This also depends on certain criteria. For example, do you need parking, would you like to be able to reach everything by foot or would you rather book something outside the city center, if you can save money that way? Location, transport, budget, number of fellow travelers and other requirements can be decisive for your choice.

4. What do you want to do?

Do you like to be surprised, or do you prefer to prepare your trip? By looking up some tips in advance, you can avoid unpleasant surprises, both during and after the city trip. Especially if you know that there's a good chance that you will only visit the city once. What I always do before my trip is to create a map in advance with all kinds of well-known and local tips. This gives you an idea of where everything is located and where you should go.

5. What to pack?

What should you definitely not forget on your next city trip? Discover my packing list here.